Project Guidelines


What were not about

This project is NOT about enabling or supporting the interest of illicit content, so dont ask about! Note! If you want illicit content host it yourself. OMCMS and 0ni0nD3p0 want nothing to do with illicit shit!.

  • Pornography.
  • CP - Club Penguin.
  • Weapons.
  • Stolen Information / Data Leaks.
  • Credit Cards.
  • Hacked Accounts.
  • Drugs.
  • Hitman for Hire.
  • Money Laundering.
  • Illegal Services for Money

If your looking for a marketplace with illicit content, look elsewhere!

The 0ni0nD3p0 Project strictly DOES NOT support the interest of illicit content!

The 0ni0nD3p0 Project is about

We strive to be a supportive community thats understanding of ones talents, and skillsets.
Nobody can ever possiply understand everything there is about programming, simple just need to start!. We take your feedback as a means to grow and improve the 0ni0nD3p0 project to new possibilities!
With the efforts of our development team, we do the best we can to become closer than ever together, as one!

Here at Oni0nD3p0 we want to offer a safer alternative to standard marketing services, a harmless marketplace thats built for the people who value there sensitive data beyond the marketing standards.

  • Making privacy come first, not your personal information.
  • Having alternatives to standard platforms like E-bay, Amazon thats Crypto foccussed.
  • Building a platform that offers transparency for its users.
  • Learning and striving for one's true potential